Aamir and SRK Together...

The above picture shows the two Khans- Aamir and Shah Rukh- in a very cheerful mood.So here, mystery is the 'conversation between them'. isn't it?? lemme think..wat it can be...
probably congratulating each other for the success of their respective films released last year. Apparently, Aamir Khan had messaged SRK to fix a date to watch Taare Zameen Par. thn , Shah Rukh has promised to watch the film with his kids, now is he a true star or what! Appreciating other’s work was a quality he always possessed.
Recently i have seen 14th Annual Star Screen Award. and I am very glad to c tht Taare Zameen Par has completely rocked the whole show as per my expectations in last post of Review-TZP.
Lets Count 4 TZP.
1. Best debut director - Aamir Khan(TZP)
2. Best Dialogues - TZP
3. Best Story- TZP
4. Best child actor - Darsheel(TZP)
5. Best supporting actor - Aamir Khan(TZP)
6. The best lyrics-TZP
7. Best actor special jury award - Darsheel(TZP)
8. Best director - Aamir Khan(TZP) and Shimit amin (Chak De)
Total Awards won
Chak de -4
8 > 4+3
so ... 1 Aamir movie > 2 SRK movies
Hence Proved..lolzz
Neways srry SRK fans ...No doubt SRK is one of the grt actors of Indian Cinema..bt im lil bit anti to him...only b'cuse ...most of d time he goes 4 money n fame...not for work...n tht is harmful to public..rest is ok....n ya i know ..every1 wants money n fame..why not SRK...bt 1st preference should be commitment to work thn money n fame..thts wat Aamir have ...he is also in one of the highest payer of bollywood bt always try to give his 100 % in his work n aftr all He is rocking ..n proving himself.
Really Its a fact tht TZP is the best movie of 2007.
we all should pray ,so tht it will b sent 4 Oscar to represent Indian Cinema !!
1 more thing .. .i want to change the layout n style of this blog ..wanna add some new features n also easily loadable template...so ur suggestions n comments are always welcomed. i hv got very gud response 4 last post...few hav commented on blog...n many told me orally ..thnx to all frm bottom of my heart ...thr are few things which i personally dont like in Star screen Award ..n also wanted to find out reason tht why Aamir never attend any Indian Award function ..will try to write in my next post.
thnk u ..tata.. bie bie!!
Yagya Datt Sharma
03 Feb-08
i know why are u anti to SRK, b'coz all girls luv him and u are jealous to him :P. i luuuuuuv SRK.
@Crazy Gal...
very funny ...!
well said dude. Shahrukh Khan is a joker, there is no comparison to Aamir,Now Aamir is not only an actor but also a successful director and producer.no one stands close to his potential.
@ Chak the Name
its ok man..i can undersatnd ur feelings.bt we must not say tht SRK is Joker :P...No doubt he is an gud actor.
bt I think SRK is only lil bit overrated actor. he has big fan following in US UK & go on… But the people in india most of the time love the movie made with some thoughts.
1 more thing.. “If someone asks which hero do you like?” (an open question) then may be most of them say sharukh. But when you ask them “Do you sharukh or Amir”??? then most of them will say Amir….Really Its a fact ..wat i hav observed. This is because of the hype the king khan carries. But everyone’s subconcsious mind know who the real good actor is. Amir is jus not an actor. He is the Hero with social concsiousness and an ability to motivate people with his acting skills.. Howsoever I have felt happy watching the moview Taare Zameen par, I have felt equally happy looking at the people who realised the fact.
Mr.Chak the name,,, it will be better if u write ur comment with ur name too.. neways..Chak de Phatte..Aamir rocks!
Greetings from Italy :P
Yaggi, gracias por visitarme.
Tu blog es muy interesante, el joven de los post me parece haberlo visto, el es el director o el actor de las películas de las que hablas?
Saludos desde Chile,
Excelente blog.
Saludos desde Colombia.
i like amir khan movie
amir khan is best actor
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