Power Of DreamZ Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.: The Aviator : Great biopic of passionate wonderboy " Howard Hughes "

Power Of DreamZ Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.

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Dream is not that you see in Sleep, It is the thing which doesn't let u sleep. My PASSION ,CREATION and DEVOTION !!

Success is the Slave of those, Who Dare to Dream it - Swami Vivekanand


July 31, 2016

The Aviator : Great biopic of passionate wonderboy " Howard Hughes "

The Aviator

Great biopic of passionate wonderboy Howard Hughes, who had been an Engineer, Entrepreneur, Movie director, producer, Philanthropist, Inventor, Aviator, World record holder Pilot and Aircraft designer .. all in his single life. Inspiring!!  Exceptionally well acted by Leonardo DiCaprio.


This movie is an attempt to create sequel to 'A Wednesday!' but not able to match that class. Could have been better if it was 30 min short. Still Its not just a movie but a story of system, somethng close to reality. One time watch for Irrfan's acting n its message in the end.


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