Power Of DreamZ Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.

Power Of DreamZ Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.

This blog is movies related, see write ups on social and motivational stuff @ dreamzpower.yagyasharma.net

Dream is not that you see in Sleep, It is the thing which doesn't let u sleep. My PASSION ,CREATION and DEVOTION !!

Success is the Slave of those, Who Dare to Dream it - Swami Vivekanand


November 9, 2014


Beyond Imaginations

Interstellar - a movie where you can apply all your physics and quantum mechanics fundas , still In the end, it will blow ur mind by taking to higher dimensions beyond imaginations.  Good mix of Father and daughter's emotions being light years apart . Stunning visual and sound effects are treat to our self if watched in IMAX 70 mm screens.

Happy New Year

Crappy Stuff

I think its a wastage of a post on my Blog by giving headline for this movie review So just added in this post as it was also released in same time frame. I don't like to give headlines to unnecessary , unworthy things. :P


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